*Bullogna Technology & Entertainment News
*We are looking for writers who either have an interest in video games, hardware, or other technolgies o write news updates, review various technologies including video games, and/or join us on our weekly podcast, Dose of D-Pad. I also need someone who can be trusted with our Facebok page. Each individual will not have to do ALL of these things, but I AM looking for at least one person for each position. If this sounds like the job for you the contact me at the e-mail address stated below.
*Unforrunately, this is a volunteer job, but will look great on your resume when applying to larger sites such as IGN, GameSpot, Joystiq, Engadget, and more!
*Contact Gabe Carey at spiritwarstudios@yahoo.com if interested. Please sent the following information:
1) Name
2) Job of interest
3) Any writing, Facebook Admin, or Podcasting Experience
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