Friday, February 22, 2013

Next-Gen Xbox Event Coming Soon?

        According to NeoGaf forums and various other sources, the domain name was registered yesterday by Eventcore, a company formerly known as U.S. Techs, who according to their site, establishes a platform that promotes their best technology solutions. Interestingly enough, along with a list of partnered corporations towards the bottom of their site, Eventcore tells its site visitors to "Check back in a few weeks. We will have much more to show you." Could this possibly be related to their registration of the Xbox event site, or am I just thinking too much into this? Probably the latter, but who knows!?
        It only makes sense that Microsoft host an event for their next-gen gaming console after Sony's overwhelmingly hyped event on Wednesday. We can only hope that Microsoft is holding back some really innovative technology, so that their event can be just as successful. Personally, I want the next Xbox to have more exclusive content and capabilities that can't already be found on most PCs, as Microsoft's exclusive franchises have really lagged behind Sony and Nintendo during the current generation of consoles, although their price-point and superior online infrastructure have become a major factor in winning over hardcore gamers, while Kinect has proved itself as the definitive motion-based system for home consoles. After Sony's stunning presentation Wednesday, one can only wonder what Microsoft has been working on in the gaming department of their company.

I love this controller so much........ For my PC.

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