Monday, April 15, 2013

Top 10 Most Anticipated Gaming Events of 2013

        This Saturday on Dose of D-Pad I'll be hosting the Top 10 Most Anticipated Gaming Events of 2013 special episode/season finale event. Fittingly enough, Saturday also happens to be my birthday, so as assumed, I'll be crying myself to sleep praying to God that I could be 6 again. Nevertheless, I plan for this event to be a success and therefore find it suitable to promote it by publishing the outline that I'll use for Saturday morning's podcast event. If you have any ideas on how to improve this list, feel free to comment and I'll be sure to include your contribution on the show when I record on Friday night.

10) Roller Coaster Tycoon (Android, iOS)

The original Roller Coaster Tycoon is being ported for support on both Google Play and the App Store. We better see a simultaneous release on both platforms. Nostalgia, here I come!

9) Beyond: Two Souls

Quantic Dream's spiritual successor to the critically acclaimed Heavy Rain may be the final PS3-exclusive worth discussing.

8) PS Vita North American Price Cut

Will PS Vita finally get a price cut in North America? Will it matter?

7) Tearaway

Speaking of PS Vita, LittleBigPlanet developer Media Molecule has something special tucked away in their gaming laboratories... And it releases on October 22nd in the U.S. (October 25th in Europe)  

6) Wii U Price Cut

While analyst Michael Patcher claimed today that a price could wouldn't help the Wii U, it sure wouldn't hurt, and along with a potentially large assortment of games to be announced at E3, a price cut could be Wii U's savior.

5) Pokemon X and Y

While Nintendo may be flopping in console sales, they're certainly succeeding in the handheld department, and the first fully 3D Pokemon is going to make the ride that much sweeter. Pokemon X and Y will be releasing worldwide for the Nintendo 3DS in October 2013.

4) The Last of Us

I bought a PS3 last year for the sole purpose of being able to play this game at its launch. I then played all of Naughty Dog's other titles and thrilled that I'll be able to hang out with Joel and Ellie on the same day that I'm going with my dad to see Man of Steel. The Last of Us releases June 14th.

3) PlayStation 4 Launch

This includes every launch title for PS4; hopefully Infamous: Second Son, Killzone: Shadow Fall, Knack, The Witness, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, and more!

2) Next-Gen Xbox Annoucement

We've all heard the awful rumors, but I want to be able to separate truth from lies. It's rumored that Microsoft will be holding a press conference to announce the new Xbox on May 21st, 2013, but if you want to stay updated on this subject, join my Facebook event page by clicking here.

1) E3 2013

This is where we'll (hopefully) get all of the answers. This year's Electronic Entertainment Expo conference will take place from June 11th until June 13th, 2013 at the Los Angeles Convention center, but is not open to the public and will be covered on most general/gaming news sites. I expect Vita games and major changes for Nintendo, but my E3 predictions will make their way into a separate article written at a later date.

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